Welcome to the wonderful Traprain Pony Kings website!

They are really excited - because their Home at the Exmoor Pony Centre - Moorland Mousie Trust (MMT) have now launched their new 2024 Calendar and Christmas Cards!

All the ponies featured in the 2024 Calendar, which include ponies from the Traprain and North Berwick sites as well, share together the important position of being part of the MMT Pony Family.

The Calendar will make a beautiful Christmas present and by purchasing it you will be knowing that you are supporting the very valuable work carried out by the dedicated, highly skilled people who together make MMT possible. Their work enriches the lives of both the Exmoor pony and the humans who love to see them - and ensures that the Exmoor pony thrives. 

Just click on the link below which will take you to the MMT online Shop :-



   Thank you for your support

The Pony Kings of Traprain 

The ponies have their very own Facebook page so if you want to leave them a message or photo just go to Traprain Law Ponies or click on the link below!



to our fabulous human walkers :-

Hi human friends its Pony Bob here!

My herd knows you are all going through a weird time right now (pony language....) but we are asking you to all remember that us ponies are so wise ha! We've noticed whenever we see grey skies and rain to look for the beautiful Rainbow that will appear in the sky. It will - and it will for our human friends too. Meanwhile if you are walking on Traprain  please remember to use the wonderful space our hill offers us all by respecting human (not pony....) government recommendations by allowing each other good space while out walking. Its a great way to get some Vitamin D and just seeing my herd  grazing will help you relax and maintain a Calm Spirit. Remember too about the Rainbow - it WILL appear -  and meanwhile my herd sends you all our great Pony Love!      

 Photo: Pony Bob : 

Pony Secretary to the wonderful Pony Kings of Traprain!

Pony Secretary Bob has now put his herd's song on this website - see it by clicking on this link (Whistler's Song). It's a message - through song - his herd has composed for all the humans going through a stressful time right now - and composed  with Pony Love......

The wonderful Pony Kings of Traprain and Pony Dog Jazz would like to thank the local community who regularly visit Traprain and show the wonderful ponies great consideration in many ways. Pony Dog Jazz has a special message for all his doggie pals : "I love to see my doggie pals but please always respect my pony buddies by not running around them. A nice quiet walk to  see them is the Perfect Doggie Way! Pony-Dog Jazz is proud to have come from The Border Collie Trust GB and you can find out more about them by going to www.bordercollietrustgb.org.uk or telephone 01889 577058.  

Opposite : Pony-Dog Jazz in a Gorse Den with Pony Spike.

Jazz is a "rescue" dog from the wonderful 

Border Collie Trust GB


Telephone 01889 577058

Ponies give a big Hoofy Thanks to Lothian Conservation Volunteers! 

Opposite are Lothians Conservation Volunteers (LCV) who do fantastic work throughout the Lothians working for All Things Conservation. They are a really great group of people who are really dedicated in their work and have recently been to Traprain to help clear ragwort for the ponies - and in turn it also improves the biodiversity of the hill itself. If you would like to find out more about LCV and perhaps would like to get involved in their work - which is carried out at weekends -  just click on the link below. 


The Traprain ponies :

 displaying the skills of the Exmoor Pony as expert conservation grazers!

Upper left photo June 2019: MMT Traprain Pony Juglans invites you to share in his herd's excitement at the beautiful array of flowers appearing on the upper north slope of Traprain in June 2019. 

Upper right photo: The  upper north slope in 2014 - the long grasses preventing smaller delicate flowers to grow.

Opposite : the same upper north slope in June 2019 where foxgloves and Heath Bedstraw now adorn the slope - thanks to the wonderful grazing skills of the MMT Traprain ponies!

More photographs can be found on the "Traprain's Natural Heritage"" page by clicking on this link. On this link you will find photos taken in April 2019 of primroses (see photo right below) growing on the north side of Traprain and an abundant display of foxgloves (see photo left below) which adorned many areas of Traprain in June 2019.  Other flowers in bloom in 2019 on Traprain included the beautiful bee-loving Thyme.  The ponies' grazing skills are enabling Nature to really express her beauty at Traprain while at the same time encouraging a healthy habitat for butterflies and other insects to flourish. Well done ponies!

Click on this link to see more photos for 2019!

Pony Crotchet Toy Making Fun Time!

Would you like to learn how to make crotchet pony toys like the ones below - or perhaps a juicy carrot or your favourite dog or cat? Both knitting and crotchet have been found to be a tremendous way to alleviate stress and develop concentration. Its ideal for the very young and those mature but who have a "young at heart feeling"! Liz at Traprain is offering free crotchet classes  so if you have a child who would like to make their very own cuddly pony,  dog, cat,  juicy carrot  - and lots of other cuddly toy friends or would like to learn yourself as an adult Liz would love to hear from you! Just contact her on 07454 655 955 or e.mail : panettahealing@gmail.com.. . The idea has been inspired by the wonderful Pony Kings of Traprain and has Pony Approval !


"A step back in Time" 

  When next you enjoy a walk on Traprain and see the ponies imagine going back in history when people and their animals both shared this wonderful hill - and allow the sight of the ponies to bring that picture really alive for you.  Over time the terrain has adapted to environmental changes but the energy of "animals and people of old" sharing the hill together can still be felt. Sight of the ponies help us humans to capture the essence of Traprain's history. Its a hill rich in history - and the ponies help us all to "unite as One" in that history.......    

MMT Traprain ponies Tunny (left) and Juglans (right) hope you enjoy their herd's wintery photos below. Here they are in Summer 2017 in the same area as the photo below of Pegasus-Whistler with his herd in the snow.

Great news! East Lothian Countryside Volunteers who do amazing work within the beautiful countryside of East Lothian now have their very own website! Have a look - you might just find your feet feeling itchy to get involved with their many range of activities! Here's their link :- www.elcv.org.uk 

Thanks is given to those people working in Conservation and Animal Welfare  and to the many visitors to Traprain who show enthusiasm and love for Whistler & his pony friends. People driving past Traprain can often see the ponies silhouettes "dancing" on Traprain's summit - and no doubt too, the 13 Pony KIngs frequently give a Pony Thought to their wonderful relatives just across from them at North Berwick Law as they grace the summit...... and perhaps when Tunny stands on the Traprain summit facing south he is thinking of his relative living on Porlock Hill......through the eyes of a pony.....anything is possible......     

Here's some photos of the ponies in the snow of March 2018. The way they handle this kind of weather shows just how "hardy" the Exmoor pony is. They  grow their own winter coats and are totally self-sufficient throughout the hardiest of winters having fun rolling in the snow and favouring many chilly days on the summit rather than at ground level. (They tell me they enjoy the summit views....!).  The only type of weather the 13 Pony Kings of Traprain are not keen on is very strong winds and further down this page you can see them sheltering in a beautiful gorse-dressed area which gives excellent protection from strong winds.   

Above left: the ponies enjoying the south summit views.                         Above right: Pony Bob on the south summit.

-Whistler and his herd enjoying the delights of the March 2018 snow. 

Pony Dog Skye wonders if you can guess where Pony Bob has been - his "fringe" will give you a clue.....! (He's inquisitively sniffing Liz's snow spade.....).

Above left: ponies sheltering in gorse from strong winds.                         Above right: ponies are pleased the winds have stopped!

Ponies in the Summer of 2017 resting in another sheltered area.


Do you think you know Traprain well? Where do you think this beautiful natural rock basin can be found on Traprain? (The Pony Sign "Exmoor Inn" is the creation of Sylvia Beaumont  - and is not really on Traprain!). 

The answer to where this beautiful natural rock basin is on Traprain :- its on the upper south west slope.... 

Youngest Pony Bob just loves to give everyone his toothy smile to greet them!

Above:  Beautiful snow capped Traprain Law viewed from the north west corner. 

Above: Pony Whistler enjoying some delicious gorse! 

Above left: Whistler  at the Exmoor Pony Centre when he was 9 months old.

Above right: Whistler (foreground) as he is today with some of his herd, a very proud, confident pony who graces the slopes of Traprain with such ease and delight.

                                                   A Message from Traprain Pony Whistler

I wanted to share some photos with you as a Celebration of the wonderful work The Moorland Mousie Trust (MMT) do on behalf of my fellow Exmoor pony pals.  MMT rescued me when I was just 6 months old;  through the love, patience and devotion of my human friends at the MMT Centre I was given a new beginning and, as you can see from the photos, today I am very proud to say I am one of the 13 Pony Kings of Traprain - as well as  "step-dad" to youngest Pony Bob.  No pony could have greater friends than I have within my herd - and each one of us have our own "MMT story....." 

 We are very proud to be recognised as Traprain Conservation ponies - playing an important role in helping Mother Nature create the natural beauty seen at Traprain - but without MMT giving us a bright new beginning  our outlooks would have been far different.....

Fostering Time! 

Have you ever thought about fostering a wonderful MMT Exmoor pony?  Barry and Gail are MMT volunteers at the MMT Exmoor Pony Centre with good experience in the "Art of Pony Fostering". When Liz visited Gail & Barry at their home near to the Exmoor Pony Centre she was privileged to meet Freddy and Pascoe who are a real credit to Gail & Barry's dedication to pony fostering . Freddy and Pascoe have recently moved on to "Pastures New" now with MMT and if you would like to find out more about their new adventure just click on the link below which will take you to the MMT Blog. 


                Above: young Freddy in 2014                                  Catherine (friend of Gail) with Pascoe in 2014                          Freddy (left) & Pascoe (right) enjoying                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        lunch together

 Our very special website is dedicated to the ongoing inspiring work at Traprain Law, Scotland UK by  

The Moorland Mousie Trust

working in harmony with

 East Lothian Countryside Ranger Service and its dedicated volunteers

 Liz Mercer, who is a volunteer for MMT  and East Lothian  Council's Conservation Service, has created this website as a celebration  of their  work and dedication in ensuring that our generation - and generations to come - are able to witness first hand the joy of a well maintained and thriving natural landscape while at the same time helping to ensure the stability of the rare-breed Exmoor pony.     

Liz (Creator of this website) meets many visitors at Traprain Law  from both East Lothian and as far away as Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Just like Liz,  the visitors she meets at Traprain Law find that  just through the experience of walking to the Traprain summit and witnessing the Exmoor ponies in their natural habitat gives them a true sense of wellbeing and  calmness that  is so frequently lost in today's fast pace of life...... .  

The "13 Pony Kings of Traprain"  live as a very close-knit  and well harmonised community .....and studying the way they work in harmony with Nature can help Man to also understand deeper the Language of Nature and how  that Language  can be utilised to create a more balanced and harmonised community for Man......

Youngest Exmoor Traprain pony  Bob  has this message to share with you :-  

A Pony's Prayer of Gratitude

(You can see a video of the full version of this Prayer by clicking this link and scrolling to the end of that page) 

     Above: Whistler foal                         Whistler in 2015 (after a mud bath)            Whistler teaching Bob how to groom           Whistler whispering to Bob 

Above: Whistler & Jessie playing after a mud bath     12 of the Pony Kings of Traprain (2015)                  The 13 Pony Kings taking a well deserved snooze        

    On behalf of MMT Liz would like to thank Pauline Jaffray, Editor of

East Lothian Life Magazine

for featuring the MMT Traprain ponies in the Winter 2014 and Spring 2015 editions of the Magazine.

 East Lothian Life Magazine, has generously offered to donate 50p for every Magazine that is purchased direct from Liz - a great way for us all to support our ponies! You can purchase the Magazine direct from Liz by phoning her on 07454 655 955 or see this website for announcements  of Traprain Car Park MMT stalls 

The  Pony Kings share Traprain with some wonderful wildlife :- 

Recently Liz was standing with a pony called Dandelion on the summit while the rest of the herd were about 20ft away. A Kestrel came into view flying very close to the long grasses near the summit area and it weaved itself in and out through the herd of ponies. The ponies didn't even seem to notice it.... Nature that evening was truly "in harmony" together..... 


Excerpt from the Biodiversity Chapter

"The biodiversity process begain over 20 years ago following increased international concern about the loss of wild species and habitats. Although improvements have been made, wild species and habitats are still in decline due to human activity. It is widely recognised that humans cannot live without biodiversity and that we need to reduce our impact on the natural world.  (Countryside Report 2014-15). 

Nature's plants on Traprain summit south side

"Traprain has extensive areas of mineral rich unimproved grassland - a rare and declining habitat within East Lothian". (Countryside Report 2014-15).   


Thyme growing on upper west slope (2015).  

Dandelion and Bob grazing near the flowers on the west side (2015) 

Opposite are Dandelion & Unicorn - the "Stars of the Season" at Traprain Law.

To find out why just click on this link:


or visit the Latest News page on this website by clicking this link 


Photo above: Youngest Exmoor Traprain Pony Bob (c.2014  Elizabeth Mercer for MMT)

 Oh Mother Earth of Traprain our herd it thanks you

As we sense the Pony Energy of our ancestors within you.

Each day we wake to give Gratitude and Joy

As our herd it plays in the early morn

Our silhouettes dancing to Traprain's form.

Pony Bob and his Exmoor Traprain herd thank 

 people throughout the world who are working to create a Planet where Man and Nature can truly be in harmony together...... 

 Above:  The "13 Pony Kings of Traprain" on the Summit (c.2013 Elizabeth Mercer for MMT)

 To see The Moorland Mousie Trust - home of the Traprain Exmoor ponies - in action - just click on one of these links below to visit their website :-


MMT Traprain Blog page link : http://exmoor-pony.blogspot.co.uk/ 

Tele: (UK) 01398 323093

e.mail: info@exmoorponycentre.org.uk

 The Whistler Music Foundation : inspired by Pony Whistler of Traprain

If you live in East Lothian, Scotland, UK and have a child keen to learn to play a musical instrument but disadvantaged by income for "one to one" tuition The Whistler Music Foundation could be just right for you!

 For information on The Whistler Music Foundation you can contact Liz direct by using the Contacts page on this website by clicking this link

UPDATE  2023 : The Whistler Music Foundation has one place available for a student wishing to learn classical guitar (guitar can be provided). For full details visit the www.greenstringsmusic.com website "Whistler Music Foundation" page.


This site and all its contents are the copyright of Elizabeth Mercer and The Moorland Mousie Trust.  Permission to reproduce photographs and content displayed on this website must in the first instance be addressed to the website's creator Elizabeth Mercer at :-

e.mail : panettahealing@gmail.com